Can You Put Hemp Protein in Coffee? 3 Ways plus 3 Benefits

Can You Put Hemp Protein in Coffee? 3 Ways plus 3 Benefits


Hemp protein powder is a plant-based protein powder that is made from the seeds of the hemp plant. It is a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Hemp protein powder can be added to a variety of foods and drinks. These include smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, and baked goods.
Coffee is a popular drink that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is a good source of caffeine, which can help to improve alertness and cognitive function. However, coffee can also be acidic, which can irritate the stomach.
Adding hemp protein powder to coffee can help to neutralize the acidity of the coffee. Hemp protein powder can also help to boost the nutritional content of the coffee. It can also provide additional benefits such as improved satiety and muscle growth.

How to put hemp protein in coffee

There are a few ways to put hemp protein powder in coffee:

1. Mix it in

You can simply mix the hemp protein powder into your coffee with a spoon. This is the easiest way to do it, but it may not be the most effective. The hemp protein powder may not dissolve completely, and it may leave a gritty texture.

2. Blend it in

You can blend the hemp protein powder into your coffee. This will help to break down the protein powder and make it more soluble. It will also make the coffee smoother and creamier.

3. Make a protein shake

You can make a protein shake with hemp protein powder and iced coffee. This is a good option if you want to add other ingredients to your coffee, such as fruits, vegetables, or spices.

The benefits of putting hemp protein in coffee

There are a few benefits of putting hemp protein powder in coffee:

1. Improved satiety

Hemp protein powder is a good source of protein. This can help to improve satiety. This means that you may feel fuller for longer after drinking coffee with hemp protein powder.

2. Muscle growth

Hemp protein powder is a complete protein. This means that it contains all nine essential amino acids. These amino acids are important for muscle growth and repair.

3 Reduced acidity

Hemp protein powder can help to neutralize the acidity of coffee. This can be helpful for people who have sensitive stomachs.
Increased energy: Hemp protein powder contains healthy fats. These can help to provide sustained energy throughout the day.

The drawbacks of putting hemp protein in coffee

There are a few drawbacks to putting hemp protein powder in coffee:

1. Taste

Some people do not like the taste of hemp protein powder. If you do not like the taste of hemp protein powder, you can find mild-flavored proteins, such as Cantein. Alternatively you can try flavored hemp protein powders.

2. Cost

Hemp protein powder can be more expensive than other types of protein powder.

3. Texture

Hemp protein powder can leave a gritty texture in coffee. If you do not like the texture of hemp protein powder in coffee, you can blend it in or make a protein shake. Cantein offers a higher quality hemp protein with a much smoother texture. 


Putting hemp protein powder in coffee can be a good way to improve the nutritional content of your coffee. You also get additional benefits such as improved satiety and muscle growth. However, there are a few drawbacks to doing this, such as the taste and texture of the hemp protein powder. If you do not like the taste or texture of hemp protein powder in coffee, try using a high quality powder.
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