Hemp Protein: The Best Tasting Protein Powder?

Hemp Protein: The Best Tasting Protein Powder?


When it comes to protein powders, there are many different flavors and textures to choose from. Some people prefer the taste of whey protein, while others prefer plant-based proteins like soy or pea protein. But what about hemp protein? Is it the best tasting protein powder?

The Taste of Hemp Protein

Hemp protein has a slightly nutty flavor that some people find appealing. Others may find it to be too strong or earthy. The taste of hemp protein can also vary depending on the brand and the processing method. Some brands use heat to process their hemp protein, which can give it a more bitter flavor. Other brands use cold-pressed methods which preserve the natural flavor of the hemp seeds.

How to Make Hemp Protein Taste Better

There are a few things you can do to make hemp protein taste better.

1. Use a high quality hemp protein

The best way to improve the flavor is to improve the protein. Some hemp proteins use low quality protein. These are around 50% protein and have a strong grassy flavor. Others use much higher quality which is 80% and has a much milder nutty flavor. Cantein is a great option for a higher quality protein.

2. Add it to smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to mask the flavor of hemp protein. Simply add a scoop of hemp protein powder to your favorite smoothie recipe. If you do not like the taste the fruit will help mask the flavor.

3. Mix it with other flavors

You can also mix hemp protein powder with other flavors, such as cocoa powder, vanilla extract, or fruit juice. This will help to improve the taste of the protein powder.

4. Cook with it

Hemp protein can also be used in cooking. For example, you can add it to baked goods, oatmeal, or yogurt.

Is Hemp Protein the Best Tasting Protein Powder?

Whether or not hemp protein is the best tasting protein powder is a matter of personal preference. Some people find the taste of hemp protein to be quite pleasant, while others find it to be too strong or earthy. Ultimately, the best way to find out if you like the taste of hemp protein is to try it for yourself.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a hemp protein powder:

  • Look for a brand that uses cold-pressed methods. Cold-pressed methods preserve the natural flavor of the hemp seeds, resulting in a more pleasant taste. Cold-pressesed brands include Cantein.
  • Try different flavors. There are many different flavors of hemp protein available. Try a few different ones to see which one you like best.
  • Add it to foods you enjoy. If you don't like the taste of hemp protein on its own, try adding it to foods you enjoy, such as smoothies or baked goods.


Hemp protein is a nutritious and versatile protein powder that can be a good addition to your diet. The taste of hemp protein can vary depending on the brand and the processing method. However, there are a few things you can do to make hemp protein taste better. This includes adding it to smoothies or cooking with it. If you are looking for a healthy and delicious protein powder, hemp protein is a good option to consider.
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